Subliminal is our staple blend for espresso and a go-to for batch brew drip. Our goal with Subliminal was to create a blend that is easy to work with but not so tame that it would be perceived as boring or flat. On the espresso machine we recommend a starting recipe of 18.5g In // 29 Secs // 32g Out and for drip we recommend a 1:16 grounds to water ratio. Enjoy.
Origin: Mexico, Colombia, Ethiopia
Cultivar: Bourbon ,Cattura, Typica, Heirloom
Altitude: 1700 to 2000 Meters
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Raw Sugar, Maple Candy
Subliminal Blend
SKU: 364115376135191
Roasted and Shipped on Mondays. 2-3 Day Shipping time